Tuesday 28 December 2010

Has Real Ale entered the branded goods arena?

Had an amazing night at the Royal Oak in Rusper (Just outside Horsham if you're interested). I attended a blind tasting and was surprised by the results, though the landlady / owner / rule-maker, Sara, wasn't.

So, we blind tasted a variety of beers, some from Dark Star (obviously), others from local heroes such as Surrey Hills and great new start-ups like Kissing Gate, feathered in with a few bigger national brewers who, it would appear, are often knocked with gay abandon (a phrase we should all use more). What did we learn? Well, I have to be honest and say we probably rely too much upon our pumpclips for our information. Whilst the quiz didn't ask for our fondness of each beer, looking at the results it was easy to see people pour scorn on beers they believed belonged to the big brewers, when in fact, they came from local craft brewers. All in all, I'd say it was an education and a lesson that we should look beyond the brand, big or small and take the beer on merit - what's the shame in liking a popular beer that is served nationwide if you like it, equally, what's the harm in dedicating your drinking life to a delicious drop like Ranmore from Surrey Hills?  Just don't judge others for their choices as when it's a blind choice, you may end up looking more of a mule, than an expert.

Signing the night off with a Classic Golden Ale from a Sussex Micro Brewery with the Grapefruit aroma of Kentish Hops...or is it?


  1. Thank you James, for your help, it was a very entertaining evening, no less amusing for the fact that none of the teams recognised the gold award winner landlord and half the teams thought Hall&Woodhouse sussex was Dark Star best!
    I look forward to the next beer tasting!

  2. It sounds like a good night. The only time I normally drink bitter 'blind' is when I'm blind drunk! Keep up the good work James. its evangelists like you and the guys at Dark Star that are helping bring ale back to the masses!
