Tuesday 11 January 2011

Baptism of fire

Funny, wrote my last blog about a blind tasting of real ales making a case for a level handed approach on the big brands (do bare in mind I work for Dark Star) and someone, a brave soul, at least brave enough to be anonymous, said that all beer bloggers reviled me - I feel so welcome to the blogging community, thanks. Well, if blogging is about expressing my thoughts, freely (Phil Dixon tells me so) I wont be deterred. About this bloody tasting. Now pressed, not one person recognised London Pride or Greene King IPA or indeed TT Landlord - so let's cut through the nonsense and relax. We all love beer and i love nothing more than reading about expert's adventures (I show my hand, I love all Pete Brown books), but we must relax and just enjoy, what we enjoy.

If anon would like to chat further, please get in touch, please do, but let's chat, not throw mud, we must be on the same side...aren't we?


  1. Not all beer bloggers revile you, I think you are a top chap who works for a brewery chucking out consistently excellent beer!

    Ignore anons, that's the reason why they are anon...

  2. Thanks Baron. Just an attempt to be even-handed really. It's blogs like yours that make real ale 'real' to people. Keep up the good work!

  3. I revile you - but its nothing to do with your views on beer. More to do with how far you hit a golf ball. I'd love to say its effortless power but... :-)
